Plokštelė atspausta pagal originalų 1959-ųjų, juostoje užfiksuotą bei aukščiausio lygio lempine technika apdirbtą, įrašą.
Katalogo numeris: GB1510
Metai: 2012
Svoris: 180 g.
Greitis: 33⅓
Dėl šio produkto galime Jus pakonsultuoti (+370 5) 262 35 96, mūsų salone Kęstučio g. 26, Vilnius arba:
The most talked about British Jazz act of their day, co - led by Tubby Hayes and Ronnie ScottNever before released, this live set, recorded over 2 nights, is choc full of genuine rarities - as none of the material had even graced studio recordings at the time"The recordings here aee without doubt some of the finest examples of Hayes' art to have yet been discovered"Simon Spillett (Tubby Hayes Biographer)